I found this article to be pretty interesting. It never occurred to me the reason why these philosophers and teachers would use animals in a lesson, which might be due to the fact that people during those times lived and communed with them everyday. Seeing a fox, lion, snake,ox, or bird was part of there everyday life. Watching there movements, learning there characteristics and what parts they played in society makes them very beneficial in the lessons given to explain or show human characteristics.
My favorite part of this article had to be the importance on fables during meetings. As of today we don't use fables but human analogies and examples. We may even compare or contrast situations to machinery or other objects. We write memes or state situations to learn from. For research to show that fables were used in meetings among intellectual men showed they had a strong purpose. It was also stated that fables were most likely well known since some fables weren't retold, yet was already expected of the present men to know. One example anyone can brings up is 9/11 or this Sunday Superbowl, we would expect the whole world to know and what occurred in some detail. Each society has there lessons, stories and teachings. Fables can definitely be a great one too. However i believe due to our technological lifestyle they wont really hold to much grounds and might be ignored or scoffed at. Either way, loved the reading.
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